Khawaja Garib Nawaz

Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti was born in Seistan, Iran in 1138 in a well-respected Syed family. His lineage goes to Imam Hasan Askari. His family was rich and he led his childhood in comfort. However, when first his father and then his mother died in his teen, his economic condition deteriorated. For a while he subsisted on the income from the orchard he received in inheritance. One day when Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti was working in his orchard, a pious dervish Ebrahim Qandoozi, came and took his seat under the shade of a tree. When Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti saw him, he brought a bunch of grapes and presented it to the dervish. The visitor ate the grapes and was delighted. He then took something out of his bag, chewed it, and then offered it to his young host.

Khwaja Moinuddin Chisty (Rehmatullah Alaye) was born in Seistan (East Persia) also known as Sejistan, around 537 Hijri in a respected family. His father Khwaja Ghayasuddin (Rehmatullah Alaye) and mother Syeda Bibi Ummalwara alias Bibi Mahe-Noor were the descendants of Hazrat Ali (Rehmatullah Alaye) through his sons Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain, Khwaja Saheb lost both his Father and Mother at an early age of sixteen years.

He inherited an orchard and a wind mill which serve as his means of livelihood. One day when Khwaja Saheb was working in his orchard, a pious dervish and Majzoob, Ebrahi Qandoozi, came and took his seat under the shade of a tree. When Khwaja Saheb saw him, he brought a bunch of grapes and presented it to his guest. The visitor ate those grapes and was delighted, and took something out of his bag, chewed it, and then offered it to his young host. Khwaja Saheb ate it without any hesitation, and at once the light of wisdom and knowledge dawned upon the young Khwaja. Thereafter he disposed of all his worldly belongings, and distributed the money amongst the poor. Having thus broken all the ties with worldly affairs, he started for Samarqand and Bukhra, then the great centers of learning for acquiring religious education and knowledge.

When Khwaja Saheb had acquired the best knowledge and wisdom of the time, he traveled widely in search of a pir (Spiritual guide) who could provide him the best spiritual guidance. He came to know of Hazrat Khwaja Usman Haruni (Rehmatullah Alaye) who was the greatest scholar and unrivalled spiritual guide of that period. In the very first meeting Khwaja Saheb completely submitted himself to his Murshid and remained in the company of this great divine spiritual leader for twenty years and served him devotedly, passing through the various stages of the spiritual life. Thus the great Murshid trained and elevated Khwaja Saheb to the highest spiritual attainments.

As the great Khwaja became accomplished and perfect in every respect, the divine tutor honoured him with his robe and took him to HAJ. Both, then proceeded to Makkah and performed the HAJ, and then went to MADINA and stayed there for some time, to get the blessings of The Prophet of Islam (Sal Allaho Alaiyhe Wa Sallam).
One night in a trance, he was ordered by The Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alaiyhe Wa Sallam).
“O Moinuddin you are a prop of our faith. Proceed to India and show the path of truth to the people there”. In compliance with the above spiritual command, Khwaja Saheb left Madina for India. He continued his journey, passing through Isphahan, Bukhara, Heart, Lahore and Delhi meeting several prominent Sufis of the period. He arrived at the barren and desolated land of Rajputana which is now known as Rajasthan. On his way to INDIA, he enrolled large number of people in his fold and blessed thousands of others with spiritual power.

Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisty arrived in AJMER at the age of 52 years around 587 A.H./1190 A.D., on his divine mission, unique in the annals of Islam. His only Armour for the success of his great mission was the greatest “invisible power” the pervades and sustains the whole universe. At that time Ajmer was ruled by Prithvi Raj Chauhan the famous Rajput king. In his court, he had a large number of powerful magicians with Ajai Pal as their leader. Khwaja Saheb stayed at a hill close to Ana Sagar lake. Now known as the Chilla Khwaja Saheb. When news spread that a very pious Dervish had come to Ajmer people began to flock to him in increasing number. Whosoever came to him, received the kindest treatment and blessing and simplicity that they began to embrace Islam. Many became his disciples. Even Ajai Pal submitted himself to the divine powers of Khwaja Saheb, gave up all his magic and became his disciple.

While this was going on at Ajmer Shahabuddin Ghori again attacked India, in 1192 A.D. and in the famous battle of Tarain defeated Prithvi Raj. When Shahabuddin Ghori came to know of the presence of Khwaja Saheb at Ajmer, he personally came to see him at his place, and enjoyed the grace of his meeting.

Khwaja Saheb continued his noble and magnificent mission, showing the path of truth to the people. He also sent his disciples and successors to different parts of country who too served the people and preached the tenants of Islam. Some of his prominent successors are:
1.) Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (Rehmatullah Alaye) (Delhi ob. 1236).
2.) Hazrat Shaikh Fariduddin Ganjshker (Rehmatullah Alaye) (Pak Pattan ob. 1265).
3.) Hazrat Shaikh Nizamuddin Aulia (Delhi ob. 1325).
4.) Hazrat Shaikh Nasiruddin Chirage Delhi (Delhi ob. 1356).

When he was almost setttled in Ajmer and the preachings were on the top, he dreamt of Prophet Muhammed (Sal Allaho Alaiyhe Wa Sallam) who said, “O Moinuddin! You have been very active in obeying ALLAH’s orders but why dindn’t you follow my Sunnat.” Thus, Khwaja Sahib (Rehmatullah Alaye) made two marraiges one after another.
In those days a Saint Wajihuddin Mash-hadi (Rehmatullah Alaye) was staying in Ajmer. One night he saw Imam Jafer Sadiq (Alehis Salaam) in dream, who quoted Prophet Mohammed (Sal Allaho Alaiyhe Wa Sallam) as saying to give his daughter in marriage to Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti as he is one of the loving persons of ALLAH and His Prophet (Sal Allaho Alaiyhe Wa Sallam).
When he woke up, he was very happy. He went to Kheaja Sahib and told about his dream. Khwaja Sahib said, ” Though he is on the verge of his life and has no need to marry but obedience of Prophet Mohammed (Sal Allaho Alaiyhe Wa Sallam) is also necessary, so I accept the offer whole heartedly and ready for the marraige. This made Syed Sahib (Rehmatullah Alaye) very happy and he married his daughter Bibi Asmat with him.
Khwaja Sahib (Rehmatullah Alaye) also had a second marraige. Some historians write that his second wife Ummatullah was the daughter of a Raja, who accepted Islam willingly.

Three sons and one Daughter were born to the two wives whose names are:
1. Hazrat Khwaja Fakhruddin (Rehmatullah Alaye).
2. Hazrat Khwaja Hisamuddin (Rehmatullah Alaye)
3. Hazrat Khwaja Ziauddin Abu Sayeed (Rehmatullah Alaye)
4. Bibi Hafiza Jamal Rahmatullah Aleiha.

He was the eldest son of Khwaja Sahib (Rehmatullah Alaye) who earned his livelihood by farming in Mandal town. He was a great saint and a scholar as well . Agter twenty years of Khwaja Sahib. (Rehmatullah Alaye) death he died in Sarwar town, some 40 miles away from Ajmer. His Mazar is located near a pond in the town. His Urs is celebrated on the 3rd of Shaban every year with great fervour. He was blessed with five sons. One of his sons, Hazrat Khwaja Hussamuddin was a perfect Sufi. His grave is at Sanbar Sharif. Every year on 13 and 14 Rajab Urs is organised.

He was the second son and he was a great saint, as well as possessin the quality of revelation. he made very tough exercises for self-purification. at the age of 45, he disappeared from the human eyes and joined invisible religious fraternity.

He was the youngest son of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz and was a great religious person. He died. He died at the age of 50. His Mazar is on a platform near Jhalara Ghat in Ajmer Sharif. His Urs-e-Mubarak is celebrated on 13th Zil-Hijja every year.

She was the only daughter of Khwaja Sahib. She was a great religious personality. Khwaja Sahib granted her Khilafat. She guided thousands of women to the righteous path. She was married to Hazrat Shaikh Raziuddin (Rehmatullah Alaye). He was the son of Qzai Hamiduddin nagori (Rehmatullah Alaye) Her Mazar -e-Mubarak is located below the Mazar of Khwaja Sahib.

After achieving the objectives of his mission and complying with the command given to him by the Holy Prophet, his noble soul left the corporeal body on the 6th of Raja 633 A.H. / 16th March 1236 at the age of 97. He was buried in the same cell (Hurrah) which was the center of his divine activities, throughout his stay at Ajmer. Today his tomb is popularly known as “Digrah Khwaja Saheb, Ajmer”. People of all walks of life and faith from all over the world, irrespective of their caste, creed and beliefs visit this great shrine to offer flowers of their esteem and devotion. The rich and the poor stand side by side to pay their homage and respect to the divine soul.


It is a well-known historical fact that in spreading the ethical and spiritual values of Islam, major and effective contributions have been made by the Walis of ALLAH (saints). It was their humanistic position, and piety which won over the hearts of lacs of people. They made a direct contact with the masses served and loved them, lived with them in the realization of Eternal Truth. The proof of this is more than evident from the history of growth of Islam in India. Although Islam had penetrated in this subcontinent in the first century of Hijra, but the noble task of inspiring the people to its tenets and values in India was accomplished by Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty (Rehmat Ullah Alaye) popularly known as Khwaja Saheb and Khwaja Gharib Nawaz. He did it all through his great moral power, glorious and appealing character, with love and dedication to mankind, without any worldly resources of wealth, power, force and material means.

Khwaja Saheb was a scholar a great repute. He interpreted the true Islamic message of love for mankind and through that, the love for the Almighty creator. He preached the Quranic philosophy of the unity of religion and worked out its potentialities for the whole humanity. He was the greatest mystic of his time. He laid the foundation of the liberal Chishtia order of Sufis in India, and inspired millions of souls to be his followers and thus served the masses of the Indian Sub-continent.

The life and mission of Khwaja Saheb have been of an exceptional character as compared with any other saint in India. His simple teaching penetrated even stony heart, his affectionate look silenced the fiercest of his enemies. His matchless piety and blessings knew no distinction and his “spiritual power”, amazed and did defied his bitterest adversaries who came to harm him but were inspire to embrace Islam and become his devotees for rest of the life. He brought the message of universal love and peace. He chose the way of non-compulsion in the true spirit of holy Quran he says : “Let there be no compulsion in religion, will thou compel men to become believers? No soul can believe but by the persuasion of Allah”. Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty (Rehmat Ullah Alaye) followed this dictum strictly throughout his mission. It is because of this reason that he is popularly known as ‘ Gharib Nawaz’ which means the one who shows kindness to the poor. This was later reinforced by succeeding Chishtia Sufis, who became religious pioneers in national integration in the country. They fulfilled the objective of bringing together various castes, communities and races, elevating the humanity from the morass of materialistic concerns, which is the bane of mankind even today.

The teachings of Khwaja Sahib have been recorded in several books on mysticism. The essence of his teaching is:
Closest to Allah is one who possesses the following three qualities:
• Magnanimity of the river.
• Kindness of the sun.
• Humility of the Earth.

Noblest of the characters is possessed by the one who is:
• Bountiful in poverty.
• Content in hunger.
• Cheerful in grief.
• Friendly in hostility.

Surest way to keep off the internal punishment in the hell is:
• To feed the hungry.
• To redress the aggrieved.
• To help the distressed.

1. Without performing “Namaz”, none can approach ‘ALLAH’ (God), because ‘Namaz’ is the climax (Mairaj) in the process such approach for pious.

2. If all the rules of Namaz were not followed properly, it is struck back on the face of him who offers such a Namaz.

3. The heart of a lover (True lover of ALLAH) constantly burns with the fire of love so much so that whatever intrudes upon its sanctity is reduced to ashes.

4. A sin committed does not harm an individual so much as the looking down upon one’s own fellow beings.

5. Of all the worship that pleases Almighty ALLAH, the best is the grant of relief to the humble and the oppressed.

6. Performance of charity is the key of attaining the state of generosity.

7. One who does not perform devotion to ALLAH is engaged in the career of attaining a sinful earning.

8. There are four fundamental virtues of the individual self:
1. Refraining from begging in the state of penury (poverty).
2. Showing the attitude of the well-fed when feeling hungry.
3. Maintaining cheerfulness in the time of sorrow.
4. Befriending in the enemy.

9. That man is true devotee of Almighty Allah, who resigns with pleasure to the misfortune that comes from his beloved (Almighty ALLAH).

10. The path of love of ALLAH is such a path that, who so ever steps into it, loses himself.

11. For a follower of the path of truth it is worse than a sin to disdain or look down upon any one.

12. Those who are true Lovers of ALLAH give away both of the worlds for the sake of their Beloved ALLAH and even then feel that they have done nothing worthy.

13. Perfection in faith is evident by three things:
1. Fear
2. Hope
3. Love

Important Historical Places to Visit in Ajmer.

Hazrat Khwaja Fakhruddin (RehmatUllah Alaye) was the eldest son of Khwaja Sahib (RehmatUllah Alaye) who earned his livelihood by farming in Mandal town. He was a great saint and a scholar as well. After twenty years of Khwaja Sahib, (RehmatUllah Alaye) death he died in Sarwar town, some 40 miles away from Ajmer.
His Mazar is located near a pond in the town. His Urs is celebrated on the 3rd of Shaban every year with great fervour. He was blessed with five sons. One of his sons, Hazrat Khwaja Hussamuddin was a perfect Sufi. His grave is at Sanbar Sharif. Every year on 13 and 14 Rajab Urs is organised.
To Reach Sarwar Sherif You can take a ST bus from Ajmer Bus Stand which is 15 minutes away from the Dargah. or you can hire a Sumo. There is regular Bus after every half an hour from Ajmer to Sarwar. It takes around two hours to reach Sarwar.


The Mazar of Bibi Hafiz Jamal, daughter of Khwaja Sahib, is situated to the south of the Shrine. There is a small dome with a kalas on top of it. The doors of this tomb are plated with silver.


Dhai Din Ka Jhopra or Dhai Din Ki Masjid is a grand Mosque, made of red stone and located at a high place. Sultan Shamsuddin Altamash got it repaired and made some modifications. One can reach the building; it starts from Dargah Bazar to west along the boundary wall of Dargah Sharif. After crossing Tirpoli Darwaza, there is Mohalla Inderkot. At a short distance from Inderkot this mosque is located on right hand side.


It is a grand fort, located on a steep hill in south of Dargah Sharif, The height of the hill is 800 ft. During the reign of Rai Pithora, it was a famous and a strong fort and was considered it cannot be conquered. But Sultan Shahabuddin Ghauri conquered it without any difficulty and appointed Syed Meeran Husain (RehmatUllah Alaye) as the Garrison Commander (Qiledaar).


Ana Sagar is a beautiful lake in the heart of the city. There is a high hill on the south western side of Ana Sagar, known as Sada Bahar hill, On the South western corner of the hill is a small cave having a Tomb on the Top of it. Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (RehmatUllah Alaye)took seclusion here for the first time. He used to sit on the stone-bench lying inside the Chillah Sharif and engaged himself in Contemplation.

On the North-Eastern side of Sada Bahar is located the Chillah of Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar kaki (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu). It is the place where Hazrat engaged himself in prayers when in Ajmer

On the top of a hill in the South of Dargah Sharif is a green coloured tomb. It is said that a brick of holy Mazar of hazrat Piran-e-Pir Dastagir (RehmatUllah Alaye) is buried. That is why the place is famous as Chillah Bare Pir Sahib, otherwise Hazrat Piran Pir (RehmatUllah Alaye) never came to India.


Mir Osman Ali Khan, The Nizam of Hyderabad Deccan, erected the main gate of the Dargah Sharif in 1911. Upstairs small drums beat, during the day and night at an appointed hour. A view of Dargah Bazaar can be seen from the top of the gate.


Immediately following the Nizam gate is the Shahjahani gate erected by Emperor Shahjahan. Before the construction of the Nizam Gate this used to be the main gate. Above the gate the Kalma Sharif is inscribed in a beautiful style. The doors are made of fine timber covered with silver-plated metal. In the building above the gate there are two huge beating drums.


Between Shahjahani gate and Buland Darwaza on the right hand side is situated the Akbari Mosque erected by Akbar with red sand stone, A religious institution (madarsa) has been located in this mosque called Darul-uloom.


Buland Darwaza is a high entrance that was erected by Mahmood Khilji or one of his successors. Before the commencement of Urs Sharif a flag is hoisted on top of this gate with grand ceremony on the 25th Jamadiulsaani for ushering the ‘Urs’ of Khwaja Saheb, which starts from 1st of Rajab (The 7th month of lunar Calendar)

And the list of places goes on…


On the appearance of the moon for the month of Rajab, there comes a change in daily routine which is generally held at the Holy Shrine. The main entrance of the Holy Tomb which in ordinary days is closed at night, is kept open throughout the day and night (barring for 2 or 3 hours at night) during the six days of Urs. All other daily and weekly programs are suspended and few functions and ceremonies commence from that night.

Qul ceremony takes place on the last day of Urs which is also the sixth day of the month of Rajab. This is considered to be a very important day. After the morning prayer, people start gathering the Holy Tomb.The activities include recital of Quran, Darood, Shijra-e-Chishtia and other verses. People also tie small turbans on each other’s head and pray for the benefit of the people, for peace, prosperity and happiness.

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